Social Media Coordinator

Job Type: Internship (All positions are paid based on competence and ability)

Positions: 1

Overview: This position is for someone who has a creative ability and understands social media trends to help our social media pages engage with fans and create excitement around each and every event that we do.

Qualifications: No experience is required although it helps. Must have an up to date phone.


•Create social media posts: In order to create excitement around the programs and events that we are involved in, a strong social media presence is key. You will be tasked with taking assets from our team and providing news and updates surrounding events.

•Attend games: Using your phone, you will be tasked with uploading footage to social media platforms for quick updates.

• Attend meetings
In order to produce a smooth event, a lot of planning and coordination among the crew will be necessary. You will be required to attend the full length of these meetings and provide input as it pertains to your position.